Hi All
The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking experts to serve as members of the Technical Advisory Group on the COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP).
More info here >>
Apply by 1 Feb! Pass on to anyone you think would be good in the role of supporting a transparent
and open source global mechanism for sharing and pooling knowledge, intellectual property and data
related to existing or new COVID-19 related health technologies in order to scale up their production,
supply, availability and affordability in all countries of the world.
I’m chairing a diagnostics and local production working group that is closely allied with C-TAP and look forward to seeing a strong champion of these approaches within C-TAP.
On 29 May 2020 WHO Director-General and H.E. President of Costa Rica launched a Solidarity Call to
Action for the establishment of a WHO-led C-TAP. C-TAP is meant to facilitate and support a transparent and open source global mechanism for sharing and pooling knowledge, intellectual property and data related to existing or new COVID-19 related health technologies in order to scale up their production, supply, availability and affordability in all countries of the world.
The Technical Advisory Group will advise and make recommendations to the WHO C-TAP Secretariat regarding implementing partners’ proposed or signed license or technology transfer agreements in relation to the principles set forth in the Solidarity Call to Action within the overall context of global initiatives aimed at realizing equitable global access to COVID-19 health technologies. The Group will advise the WHO C-TAP Secretariat on priority health products to be considered as C-TAP candidates and provide other independent advice on the scientific, technical and strategic matters related to C-TAP as outlined in its functions below. The Advisory Group will act as an advisory body to WHO in this field.
Functions of the Technical Advisory Group on the COVID-19 Technology Access Pool
In its capacity as an advisory body to WHO, the Technical Advisory Group shall have the following
To provide independent advice on the scientific, technical and strategic matters related to the
WHO COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP). -
To advise the WHO C-TAP Secretariat on relevant information and know-how packages on C-TAP
candidate health products to be made available in the C-TAP database and disseminated. -
To advise and make recommendations to the WHO C-TAP Secretariat regarding
license negotiations and other technology transfer agreements taking into account C-TAP
partners’ existing mechanisms for negotiations. -
To advise on how C-TAP could promote transparent and access-oriented licensing or technology
transfer agreements. -
To review and advise on best practices to facilitate technology transfer and local production for
needed COVID-19 technologies and how to work with the implementing partners and other
stakeholders to implement them.