Compatibility of E. coli Protein Expression Toolkit and Open Yeast Collection

While I was looking for ways to create Lvl 2 (multiple ORFs) plasmids using E. coli Expression Toolkit (EPE), I thought… OK, may be I can utilize the left and right connectors from Open Yeast Collection (OYC) and change adapters, etc.

I don’t know if it was intentional on @osn_scott ‘s end or just a coincidence, they are! Essentially, the A connector from EPE (GGAG) is compatible with the 3’ end of the left connectors from OYC and F connector from EPE (CGCT) is compatible with 5’ end of the right connectors.

I will probably bypass the remaining yeast parts (homology arms, yeast origin, yeast selection, bridge, etc) and make compatible bacterial backbones (probably pET, p15A, RK6 and single copy F) that will allow me to use the connectors and also incorporate a Lvl2 cloning strategy. If you are interested in these backbones, let me know.

And, thank you @osn_scott and whomever worked on these systems, I love you all!
