NEW publication! agarose gel ultra low-cost alternative and buffer alternative

dear reclone community
i share with you a new publication we made to create a low-cost alternative to agarose gel for electrophoresis
we tested a lot of candidates, and the lowest cost that gave best results is using food grade agar and treat it with some salts and buffers, we also managed to make an altered electrolyte to TAE and TBE from house materials.
this method is humble, but it reduced the costs of gel-electrophoresis in our lab 10 times lower (1 gr of agarose is 35,000 sp and 1 gr of food grade agar is 2000 sp), and i can promote biotechnology to low-income countries like mine and in africa, using very frugal and in-house materials.

i hope it can benefit some of you
best regards