Reclone Community Meeting on July 24th at 14:00 UTC ✨

Hello Reclone Community :wave:

You’re all invited to our Community Meeting on 2024-07-24T14:00:00Z. I will be presenting the Report from the Open Biosharing Workshops:

The Open BioSharing Workshop Series, promoted by Beneficial Bio and, gathered leaders working to develop and distribute open biological materials and resources, who are committed to advancing open biosharing practices, responsibly and ethically. In this session, we will share some of the key learnings and outcomes of these Workshops!

:arrow_right: Join us via Zoom: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Feel free to invite and share news with others in your networks who might be interested. See you all soon! :star_struck:

You can also check our previous meetings at Events – Reagent Collaboration Network or via the Reclone YouTube channel. Likewise, you can see the Upcoming Events on the Reclone Calendar, tell us you’re Interested/Going, and add these to your own calendar.


Hi All,

Just a reminder that @cibele will be presenting to us 2024-07-24T14:00:00Z.

Once reviewed, she’ll be posting the final report onto Open BioSharing Workshops – Reagent Collaboration Network so do make sure to check that out when it comes out!

In the meantime, you can get a sneak-peak into the preliminary discussions from the workshops by joining us at the Community Meeting today - all details are in the first post :arrow_up:

Sea Yan Kay,
I am really sorry at the las minute I got pulled in a meeting. Apologies for the inconvenience and I hope you had a good meeting.

Best wishes,

Hi @e.v.rosca !

No inconvenience at all - we recorded the meeting and will upload it in due course!

(Also apologies that we’ve been a bit late with updating with summaries and recordings of the meetings - we’ve been trying to update a lot of things in the background for a while and didn’t have the time/resources to get these up in a timely manner. We’ll get to them soon!)

Today was a very good session both with @cibele at the helm and with great discussion from the members on call. We’ll post again when we have the final report ready for sharing!

All the best,
Yan Kay

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In the meantime, we welcome the community to post in this thread about any other challenges/barriers that they’ve faced when trying to share and/or receive bio-materials, and if they found ways to resolve these issues!

The more we can share about the problems and the solutions, the more we can find better ways to improve and make open biosharing fairer and easier for all! :slight_smile:

Hi all. Just to follow up on yesterday’s meeting, I submitted a data request at work to get that list of countries that get plasmids in the following formats: bacterial stabs, DNA in liquid, DNA on filter paper. A relatively small number of countries get plasmids in the second two formats because, over the years, we have determined that getting transformed bacteria through customs is not viable. When I get these lists back from our Data team, I will share it here.


Great news, everyone! The Report is now available :bulb:

:arrow_right: Check it out at:

I also started a topic here on the Forum: