ACT-Accelerator: Diagnostics Pillar Webinar & Strategy Session

The Sherpa, in partnership with FIND, presents

Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator Advocacy Series: The Diagnostics Pillar

Webinar & Strategy Session via Zoom

Webinar: Tuesday 8th September, 2020 at 9am to 10am EST
Strategy Session on the Monday, 21st September 2020 from 9am to 10:30am EST

Register today at:

How will the ACT-Accelerator help us defeat the COVID-19 pandemic? Why are diagnostics critical to achieving the work of the ACT-Accelerator? What are the investment needs for the Diagnostics Pillar? How is civil society involved and what are the calls to action for the global community to support the work of the Diagnostics Pillar?

This first webinar and strategy session in the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator Advocacy Series, sponsored by FIND and facilitated by The Sherpa brings together specialists to help answer these questions and equip advocates with the information and tools needed to further advocacy efforts in support of the ACT-Accelerator.


  •   **Dianne Stewart**, Head of Donor Relations, Global Fund
  •   **Emma Hannay**, ACT-Accelerator Secretariat, FIND
  •   **Katy Kidd Wright**, Senior Policy Advisor, Global Fund Advocates Network
  •   **Community Representativ**e from ACT-Accelerator Diagnostics Pillar (TBD)
  •   Moderated by **Kel Currah**, The Sherpa & COVID-19 Advocacy Coordination Hub

Webinar: The panel will address three areas: the background and role of the Diagnostics Pillar of the ACT-Accelerator; the investment case for diagnostics; the role of civil society; and the current call to action for advocates. The panel will be followed by a Q&A from the audience to spark debate and discussion around this critical issue.

Strategy session: Following the one-hour webinar, participants will be invited to a 90-minute Strategy Session zoom meeting to take place at 9am on 21^st^ September. During the facilitated Session, participants can share their ACT-Accelerator advocacy plans, discuss and propose further call to actions, and explore possible areas for collaboration.

By the end of the webinar and strategy session, participants will have a full understanding of the ACT-Accelerator Diagnostics Pillar, key issues, priority asks, as well as an clear view of the scope of possible strategies and partners to help further the impact of the ACT-Accelerator.