Join Our Reimagining Biomanufacturing Journal Club on 11 Jun 2024

Hello All,

You are all invited to our Reimagining Biomanufacturing Journal Club in JUN which will take placed on 2024-06-11T14:00:00Z2024-06-11T15:30:00Z (Are we meeting yet?).

For this session, Reuben will be discussing the paper: “High-efficiency recombinant protein purification using mCherry and YFP nanobody affinity matrices”.

You can find the paper, supplementaries, and any notes from each Journal Club from this folder.

:arrow_right: Join us via Zoom: Launch Meeting - Zoom

All are welcome to attend and take part.

Feel free to invite and share this to others in your networks who might be interested!

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please contact me to make arrangements.

See you all at the meeting next month!

Best wishes,


A quick reminder for tommorow’s journal club!