Hi All
As you may be aware, the plate-based expression of enzymes on autoinduction media has been very successful for a number of plasmids in the hands of multiple Reclone member labs.
We’ve been trying using these low-cost and autoclavable polypropylene boxes to increase the surface area for expression and reduce plastic waste and they are working a treat! Lots of GFP expression. Kudos to Reuben Ayivor-Djanie for putting them through their paces.
They are approx 3 EUR each and we have autoclaved them 15 times with no visible degradation.
They even fit inside these lovely, affordable peltier-controlled incubators (sold usually reptile egg incubators for about 150 EUR). They have a temperature range of 5 ℃ to 60 ℃ and at we have monitored temperature stability and it stays within 0.5 ℃ of the target (with the door closed and if allowed to stabilise, of course).
So my challenge to the Reclone community is, how big can you go?