Reclone Community Meeting on May 15th at 14:00 UTC ✨

Hello Reclone Community :wave:

You’re all invited to our Community Meeting next week, on 2024-05-15T14:00:00Z. We will hear from @ArielCerda and @FernanFederici on their 📰 New Publication: An Open One-Step RT-qPCR for SARS-CoV-2 detection from earlier this year.

:arrow_right: Join us via Zoom: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Feel free to invite and share news with others in your networks who might be interested :star_struck:

You can also check our previous meetings at Events – Reagent Collaboration Network or via the Reclone YouTube channel.
Likewise, you can see the Upcoming Events on the Reclone Calendar, tell us you’re Interested/Going, and add these to your own calendar.

See you all next week!