Hello Reclone Community
To wrap up our Community Meetings in style this year, we invite you all to join us on 2024-11-20T14:00:00Z. We will hear from @eperkins presenting about Addgene: Past, Present, & Future:
Addgene celebrates its 20th birthday in 2024. In twenty years, the nonprofit has redefined what a biorepository can be, demonstrably accelerating science in a variety of research areas, including genome engineering, neurobiology, and COVID. As technology changes and the needs of scientists evolve, Addgene will evolve as well to meet those needs. At the 2024 CZI Open Science conference, keynote speaker John Wilibanks described Addgene as a “breakthrough” piece of science infrastructure. After twenty years, how can Addgene continue to provide breakthrough infrastructural support?
Join us via Zoom: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Feel free to invite and share the news with others in your networks who might be interested!
You can also check our previous meetings at Events – Reagent Collaboration Network or via the Reclone YouTube channel.
Likewise, you can see the Upcoming Events on the Reclone Calendar, tell us you’re Interested/Going, and add these to your own calendar.
See you all soon!