Reclone Community Meeting Wed 12 Apr 13:00 UTC - Biotechnology in Ethiopia

Dear All,

We hope everyone is doing well!

Thank you all for joining us last month and joining the Open Roundtable Discussion. We have had many good suggestions to add to the Open DNA Toolkits Extension Wishlist so thank you for these! We have managed to extend the deadline for selecting which parts to send for DNA synthesis, so will continue compiling your ideas for another couple months. If you (or anyone else you know) have any other open/off-patent parts you’d like to add to the wishlist for our next round, then please do continue adding to the spreadsheet. We will continue to update you all on our progress during the next few Reclone Community Meetings.

For those who missed the meeting, you can find the recording here on the Reclone YouTube Channel.

We also appreciated your thoughts on what you’d like to see in future Reclone Events and Activities - likewise, please do keep adding your ideas into this document, or you can provide other comments through this form.

We want to make sure that the Reclone activities that we hold are tailored to what you’re interested in, so do give us your feedback!

Unfortunately, we have had a few things pop-up that are taking more time, so we’ve had to postpone the Reclone Symposium planned for this month. This will now take place in autumn 2023, but we will announce more details about this later in the year.

For our upcoming Reclone Community Meeting next week, on 2023-04-12T13:00:00Z*, we have invited Yordanos Ali from the Bio and Emerging Technology Institute (BETin) to tell us about Biotechnology in Ethiopia.
**Note, the daylight savings change in time - click the link to find the time in your time-zone!

You should have received an invite to the event by now, but just in case, here is the Zoom link again:

Feel free to invite and share news of this Reclone Community Meeting to others in your networks who might be interested :slight_smile:

We really enjoyed the open and interactive engagement that you all brought to our last meeting, so we be making more time in our monthly meetings to discuss your updates and any ideas you’d like to bring to the table.

In the meantime, join the if you haven’t done so already and keep your suggestions coming!

We hope you have a lovely Easter for those who celebrate it, or at least have a good break either ways.

Many thanks and looking forward to seeing you all next week!

Best wishes from the Reclone Coordination Team:

Jenny Molloy, Yan-Kay Ho, Cibele Zolnier, Youzi Bi, and Aaron Macauyag