Reclone Community Meeting Wed 31 Mar: CRISPR for typhoid diagnosis in Cameroon and enzyme immobilisation techniques

Hi All

A reminder that our fortnightly Reclone Meeting is happening this Wednesday!

Wed 31 March @ 4pm GMT
Zoom Link

There’ll be two presentations by:

Minette Shalo on Local production and validation of a CRISPR (cas12) based typhoid diagnostic through a novel academic-community partnership

Haneef Rehman talking about immobilisation as a process to confine or localize the enzyme within/onto the carrier with the retention of its catalytic activity

Hi All

The call is ongoing and we had a last minute change of Zoom - apologies for the inconvenience. You can find us here for some great discussion on enzyme immobilisation and CRISPR diagnostics for typhoid in Cameroon.


Hi All,

Thank you for joining the Reclone Community Meeting and for some very great discussions.

Here is the chat file containing some great discussions I hope we can continue on the forum.

Missed the meeting? No worries, we have a recording for you on YouTube

Hope to see you all again at our next meeting on April 14th!