Reclone Community Meeting Wednesday June 9th : Open Community Forum

Join us again on Wednesday June 9, 2021 at 2pm GMT for our Reclone community open forum. In this forum we will have a

* General discussion about symposium (tentatively July 21)

  • touch a little on the question “Why advocacy”

  • Get your input towards symposium plans and general running of the Reclone community

  • Generate questions to scope next community meeting (more details on this)

See you there!



Looking forward to seeing you in a few hours :point_up_2:t5:

How can I join the meeting? Could you please share the meetup link?

You can join using this zoom link

Hi Everyone,

Thank you to those who could join and for the good discussions. Meeting notes including action points are as below; feel free to keep the conversation going and expand more on aspects of this thread

Community input towards Symposium, theme = Advocacy

  • Reach out to govt official from past funding calls, get help from deputy rector of home institution to make the connections - Camila Gonzalez,

  • Reach out to prog officers of relevant recent govt funding calls in South Africa - Jenny Molloy

  • Share a one page summary of the objective of the symposium with (Randall and others) to facilitate connecting with potential speakers from UNDP, Deborah, Randall

  • Randall contacts costa rica, Jenny contacts Malawi

  • Get a speaker that overlaps between advocacy and infrastructure (in technical emergency etc) Kathrin

  • Have opportunities for reclone members to share what the govt is doing in their regions

  • Include an spect to address autonomy in diagnostics in the global south

For next week,

  • Open in the forum to collect questions for next week’s meeting on the application of LAMP in the medical context

  • What kind of questions emerging from medical application of LAMP diagnostics will be of interest to the Reclone community

Increasing engagement on community forum

  • Have summary of weekly activities on the forum sent to members

  • Post more relevant stuff on the community forum, members in meeting to comment on topics they have expertise on

  • Reduce entry barrier to engage, for example think about options for small group calls on forum

  • A mini tutorial on how the forum works… possibly a video recording / screen capture

  • Create small working groups with a challenge question for a certain time frame (e.g. month, term, quarter etc) that people could work on together and and have conversations about on the forum

  • Have troubleshooting meetings, get small group call leaders

  • Also have meetings where members can get input on raw data and reflect on optimization of processes…

  • Work towards to a knowledge center on the forum

Hi Deborah,
A lot more friends want to join these meetings. Can these meetings not be sent out as proper zoom notifications that can be automatically added to iCal or Google Calendar? Can the meetings be recorded for the people who could not join?

Thank you,

Dear Yogesh,

Thank you very much for your feedback and much more for your interest!

Reclone meetings are normally recorded and published on the reclone YouTube Channel here. We did not record yesterday’s meeting because it was not a talk, hece the meeting notes above.

We also have calendar invites but will need to add your email and that of your colleagues to it. Please email Deborah and provide all the email addresses you will like to be added to the calendar. If you also have a more efficient suggestion, please let me know.

The link on the meeting fliers also has contains the zoom link meeting where meeting is happening. Please check it out.

Hope these help.
