Hi team, I wonder if you have a protocol for in vitro transcription (IVT) reaction of fluorescent RNA aptamers, which could be used to validate and standardize enzymes and other reagents involved in IVT experiments. Thanks!
Alan Liu
Hi team, I wonder if you have a protocol for in vitro transcription (IVT) reaction of fluorescent RNA aptamers, which could be used to validate and standardize enzymes and other reagents involved in IVT experiments. Thanks!
Alan Liu
Hi Alan,
With Felipe in Fernan`s group, we are working on a homemade IVT reaction.
Our buffer is not optimized yet. We based our recipe on several papers that are included in the references. We use it regularly for expressing RNA aptamers ( such as Broccoli and Spinach), and it works very well in our hands.
Here is the link to our protocol:
We are available to answer any questions or comments.
We hope to upload it to protocols.io shortly.
Hi Anibal,
Thank you - this is super helpful!
Best regards,
Alan Liu