Virtual Local Manufacturing of Enzymes for Research and Diagnostics Symposium

When: Wed June 10, 2020 from 2-5pm (GMT)
Where: Online - link to be distributed to registered participants
Sign up now >> (also sign up for lightning talks and suggest breakout sessions)

Access to reagents especially enzymes for research and diagnostics have become very important now more than ever following the disruption in global reagent supply chain due to covid-19 pandemic. Though several challenges abound in the space of local enzyme manufacturing eg; IP restrictions, scientists and researchers globally have been up to the task to increase their local capacities to produce in-house enzymes needed for research and covid-19 testing.

Therefore, in other to highlight the work of researchers and scientists championing local enzyme manufacturing, learn, foster global collaborations and have discussion among ourselves, the Open Bioeconomy Lab is organizing a 3 hours virtual Local Manufacturing of Enzymes for Research and Diagnostics Symposium on June 10, 2020 from 2-5pm (GMT).

Below is a structure of the workshop:

  • This will be a collection of presentations and breakouts covering existing local manufacturing activities in the Reclone network, challenges to be addressed and specific discussions on:
  • What is possible with the Research in Diagnostics Collection? (and other shared reagents on the Reclone platform)
  • What experiments need to be run to trial the collection components and produce validated protocols?
  • What support do you need to explore moving from production of reagents for research to production of reagents for diagnostics?
  • How do we divide up the effort and who can contribute?
  • What papers, protocols and other research outputs we expect to arise and where to put them.

Note: Due to the different time zone for each participants find below the different start time of the event to help you plan accordingly.

Start time: 2pm (GMT) 7am Vancouver
10am Santiago
2pm Accra
3pm Yaounde / Cambridge
6pm Addis Ababa
11pm Manila

Fill in the google form if you want to participate as an audience, speaker or lead a breakout session.

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