Reclone End-of-Year Survey 2023

It’s been just over a year since we restarted the community network, so we wanted to hear your thoughts and opinions on how you have found your experience with the community so far.

:clipboard: SURVEY LINK:

The purpose of this survey is to help Reclone make the case for more support to develop and maintain the current community projects and activities, as well as find out what else you think we can be doing in the future to work towards our vision of equitable access to biotechnology for all.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: The survey is mostly multiple-choice or short-answer questions, and should take up to 15 minutes in total to complete.
There are also a few optional long-form questions, if you can spare a bit more time to answer.
Your responses are confidential and only the Reclone Coordination Team will have access to the individual responses.
We welcome any and all feedback and suggestions! Brief answers are fine; concrete, specific answers are most appreciated.

We will aggregate and summarise the survey findings and share them with you at one of our next Community Meetings in 2024. Hopefully, from that, we will be able to develop future events and activities that are more tailored to you and our community.

:hourglass: Please complete this survey by Mon 08-Jan-2024 at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth, so that we have some time to review your responses.
Any feedback you give us after this time (or indeed throughout 2024 onwards!) would still be very helpful, just that it may not be included in discussions at the next Community Meeting.

If you have any other questions/comments in the meantime, please let us know in our forum ( or email us directly at

:pray: Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form for us!

Happy New Year, everyone! We hope you have had a great start to the year already :slight_smile:

Just a reminder that we’d love to hear your feedback about your experiences of Reclone so far, and what else we can be doing together for future community projects and activities:

:clipboard: SURVEY LINK: (est. time <15min)

We’ll be holding open discussions about this at our Community Meeting next week (2024-01-10T14:00:00Z - TBC | postponed to 2024-01-17T14:00:00Z (edited)).
Plus we’ll be doing an update on the Open DNA Collections Wishlist [RCN C002] - so don’t miss out!
(Though if you can’t attend, we’ll post a summary afterwards also - don’t worry!)

:hourglass: Survey responses received by Mon 15-Jan-2024 will help shape the upcoming Community Meeting, but we will continue to welcome feedback anytime! Thank you!